Thursday, 28 February 2008

Following on from yesterdays posting

....and in the absence of any new wildlife news, further rummaging through my old photos from childhood, I came across a pile of Polaroid images, my first attempts at Wildlife photography. I think it was about 1976 I was given a Polaroid camera for Christmas. Our back garden was large but being a Victorian Terrace, rather long, nearly 200 feet. I built a hide near the feeders and with my Polaroid, took pictures of birds on the peanuts. I was proud of this at the time, but what a giggle, it's a little difficult to tell exactly what it is... sadly I can actually remember taking this photo.. it's a Blue Tit. 3 years later I had an SLR and a telephoto lens, real luxury !!!!!

I've also been reading my much loved "Observer Book of Birds Eggs". I know, I know, it's very much frowned upon, and against the law these days, but lads collected eggs back then. But the OBoBE was given pencil marks when one was added. My other constant companion was "Fritters" Collins guide to Nests and Eggs. Very happy days, and as an only child, never lonely when out wandering the fields before school. I'll possibly not be posting for a week, as next week we'll be having 5 days up north with my parents, who are not known for their internet connectivity !!


  1. Give us a bell if you find anything of interest whilst up here in the North East.

  2. Indeed I will. Management may object to 100% birding holiday, but if I craftily plan a walk somewhere nice, with a cream tea thrown in she can be very amenable :-)

  3. If you are at Boulmer at the weekend look out for a fattish middle aged bloke who looks bored to death being dragged along by a demented terrier... and run in the opposite direction in case you get talked senseless.

  4. I'll look forward to meeting this talking terrier if I make it to Boulmer. If you wish, I'll leave it to you, drop me a line to my e-mail with a mobile and I'll reply likewise, just incase I see anything can text you etc.
